Thursday, April 7, 2011

The vicious cycle

I'm sitting at work  mindlessly thinking what the agenda for today is and my mind has taken me onto the thought of lesbians and their circles. How vicious it is, how small and limited it is, whose feet shouldn't be stepped on and wada wada wada, and I've come to a conclusion. It's each for their own, survival of the fittest!
I know some of you may not agree with me and say "But my ex is hooking up with my best friend's ex and I've been with my best friend and..." the story goes on.
I'm in one of those predicaments actually.
Lets call myself A, the girl whom I adore B, a girl I've known for some time C, and a girl whom I've had brief hook ups D.
A + B were lovers turned best friends
C + D dated and turned best friends
A + D briefly hooked up
B + C are now kind of hooking up.

I know it's a lot of adding up for some people to handle right now but once you figure that out, you can't help but go "Ewwwww"... Indirectly ,A will have hooked up with C, and B will indirectly connect to D.
Lets all together go..... EWWWWwwwwwwwwww......
I don't even know how I put myself into such a thing but it happened. I'm not fine with it, but I can't do anything BUT be fine with it.

Another thing that grinds my balls are shtuuupaaaaaaat, asshole lesbians that don't know you from another bar of soap saying things behind your back as if they know the real story. What the hell is up with that? Say for instance this is how the story went:

Me: Yeah we went on a date, we got on so well, it was awesome!

Then, the story would go down like this:
Lesbian A: I heard she told her she loved her on the first day!
Lesbian B: Apparently they moving in together!
Lesbian C: And adopting kids!
Lesbian D: You all are a bunch of idiots
*kriek kriek*
There has to be a sensible one in there somewhere. But you get my drift. I believe there's always 2 sides to a story, unless it's something that's been said about you, then that's when you need to be aware, put on your hardcore mask and say it like it is.

There IS a reason why no one likes you, there is a reason why people would hook up with you but to only realize you're ACTUALLY a psycho bitch, there is a reason why I have friends and you don't, there's a reason why no one likes picking up your phone calls, because you are incredibly needy. No one likes needy girls, and you should go shit in your hands.
Does that explain to you why "apparently" girls want me(far from) and not you???? That is why.

Wow! My mind is everywhere today, somebody tie me up and lock me in a cage!

All in all.
Peace and Love.

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