Friday, April 1, 2011

Hiiii ma! I'm gay!

So everyone has a coming out story.
I'd like to share my coming out story.

Long, long time ago, there was a little girl, she figured out that she was a full grown lesbian but didn't know how to come out to her parents because coming from a reserved family of Asians.. such things are just too taboo to even mention! She pictured shame and being sent into exile , not for her, but her family once everyone in the community finds out. She did not like the thought of it and kept it to herself for as long as she could, until one day, her mother started snooping around and kept asking her repetitively on whether or not she was gay or not. She kept denying it until she could no longer stand it. One day, a few weeks after she came back from an overseas trip, her mother strolled into the room, probably talking about some kind of fruit or a new top she bought over the weekend when all of a sudden....

Mom: Are you gay?

Girl: What if I am?

Mom: Well, I would be very disappointed but I suppose I'll still love you because you're my child. So are you gay?

Girl: I don't know

Mom: Well I think you are

Girl(on the verge of tears): I've always known since I was young *insert tears*

 Mom: Was it our fault that we brought you to South Africa???

Girl: *sobs* No it wasn't your fault!

Mom: Did you not get enough love from your father???

Girl: It's got nothing to do with that!

Mom: Have you not found any boys to love, you'll find a boy to love!

Girl: I don't like boys!
 (Oh.. btw.. my mother was already sobbing herself silly at this point)

Mom: But... how do you know if you haven't fallen in love with a boy?

Girl: I just know! It's in me! I didn't decide that I like girls all of a sudden one day! Suppose you want to send me to a psychiatrist now?

Mom: No, but I think I should go to one.

I can't quite remember how the conversation ended, but we were both crying by the end of it. She spent the next month looking at me as if I'm a complete different specie. That when me and my incredibly lesbian friends are hanging out, all we do is have orgies and threesomes and that we are absolutely INCAPABLE of having a braai, or watch a dvd. No... to her, we are sexual predators that are promiscuous and dirty things. There was a lot of angst and sadness between my mother and I for the following month. She would often rag on about how I will find a boy and that I'll be in love with a man and I would get angry and defensive about it. Eventually I would just laugh and say "You keep on wishing *thumbs up*"... In a nice kind of way.

It's been 2 yrs and a month since my mother shoved me out of the closet.. She's gotten a lot better and has come a long way. The other day she said to me "Did you know gay people can get married?". And it's even gotten to the point where she said she would even like to know if I have someone special in my life. But once in a while, she would throw a curve ball and do something daring as if she was secretly laughing inside going "Hehehe I dare you. I dare you to tell your father now" For example. Today she came into the room where my father and I were and she said to him "What do you think about homosexuality? What if kids down the generation is gay?" My father said "Well I won't see it" and he did a reenactment of throwing himself into the shelf as if he was going to commit suicide type of thing.. while knocking over things.

Sigh... Get ready papa! It's soon going to be your turn to deal with this!
Ps. I do think I've been holding off telling my father because he's not the youngest bull anymore and he's got a weak heart. God knows what this information might do to him.
Pps. Today is April Fools day... I thought about telling him that I'm gay and see how he reacts and if it was a bad reaction, I would go "ha ha, Happy April Fools! ha ha.. *kriek kriek* " It's risky.

Yes... That was coming out to my mother.I came out to my brother too, about a month ago.. We'll leave that story for next time :)

Happy weekend!
Peace and Love <3

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