I didn't even know what A.D.D really was till I was about 20. Even then, I didn't realize that I had it. Only till about last year, I sat down and calmed myself down and started to ponder my younger days... I never really excelled in school like a normal asian, I couldn't concentrate and chatted most of the time, I get told I jump from one topic to the other in a millisecond and so forth...
Then I started to wonder... Would it have helped if my parents noticed it at an early stage and fed me Ritalin for breakfast, lunch and supper? Probably. Maybe I would of been a doctor or an accountant or even an IT brainiac right now... Hahahah who am I kidding.. I wouldn't have enjoyed any of those careers.. HAHAHAHHA... Right.. back to A.D.D... you see, asian parents don't have a definition for A.D.D... I know that because I tried looking for it, and the translation came up to something that one would be described in a psych ward, which I'm clearly not, duhhhhhh..and it's quite disturbing. Bipolar doesn't exist,ADHD doesn't exist, multiple personality doesn't exist...well it probably does but asian parents would just think that their child is highly imaginative and would praise them instead. Do you see where I'm going with this?
So a few days ago, I was back home hanging out with my rents when I mentioned to my mom that I had ADD.. this is pretty much how it went...(By the way, I love fucking around with my mom because she'll blame anything on me being gay since ADD is mostly found in little boys, but I left that info out of the conversation)
Me: Do you know what ADD is?
Mom: No, I've never heard of such a thing
Me: Hold on, let me go check what it is in chinese *skips off*
~An hour later~
Me: So it's *insert crazy chinese terminology*
Mom*look of shock and horror on her face*: I still haven't heard of it, what is it???
Me: Well, mom, remember when I was a child, I couldn't concentrate for shit, and it's not because I'm hyper too, that's probably why I didn't do so well in school. Did you know that you could of given me medication?
Mom: You seemed normal when you were small.(Clearly asian parents don't see signs of anything)
Me: WELL... I had it, just saying, and you could of helped me.
Mom*Super worried face*: Do you need medication now?
Me: No, haha too late, I've got the adult form now. It's called ADHD *jumps around and skips off*

I still don't think they take me seriously. I personally don't think I need any medication because it will probably fuck my mental state up even more, and it hasn't taken me 5 hours to type this blog, so I think I'm doing okay.It's not easy being hyperactive because everybody around you knows you've got to calm down. Everybody, but yourself, because you actually think you're acting normal.*sad face*
Speaking of ADD and hyper-activeness, it brings me to the subject of drugs. But I'll leave that for another day... because I probably won't end this post if I start something new.
~Peace and Love~
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