Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Something came across my mind today. It doesn't happen often, and I'm sure it's crossed many of your minds too but I have an itching need to express myself.
Do pretty girls think they can get away with everything and get everything they want?
It seriously grinds my balls, if I had any.
Exceptionally pretty girls tend to think all they need to do is flutter their eyelashes and throw you a little grin and that's all they need to get by in life. I suppose for some it works, but people should start waking up. These girls are nothing but a whole bunch of stupid. It's as if they have been fed stupidity for breakfast all their lives. They think the world revolves around them and to have any kind of serious, a smidgen serious conversation would cause them to start pounding their heads and go "Stop stop! it's too much for me, oh dear godddddd, please stop torturing me" Seriously? Go shit in your hands.

You may be pretty but you have a personality of a pile of dog shit. Thanks. Good bye.

Another kind of vanity comes in the form of "I hate drama and I've never had so much drama since I've met you"
Again. Go shit in your hands.
Drama is all over town, if you think you are all people talk about. Think again. The lesbian world is a vicious cesspit filled with slimey snakes and rabid dogs. You need to toughen up and stop whining like a little bitch.
Be the bigger person and gracefully say "I don't think that's how it happened" and then shut your mouth. Don't let them get whatever it is they could get from you and turn it from "Charlie and the Chocolate factory" into "Charlie and the Chocolate factory that flooded itself with oompa loompas due to an overdose of chocolate eclairs" People can say what they want, but at the end of the day, it's still Charlie and the Chocolate factory.

Ahhh.. I feel so much better now :)
Peace and love
Peace and love<3

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I just grabbed myself a cuppa java and the word 'Oblivion' popped in my head.
I started wondering, do people go through life living in oblivion thinking it would make life easier?
Does it make them feel less guilty with what is actually going on in their vicinity? Can they just easily brush things off without realizing what they might be doing to people around them? Could life be happier being oblivious and ignorant to everything? It has always intrigued me.
Personally it makes me really angry.
At the people, at the world, at the little helpless bugs crawling on the ground.
People should grow some balls and face what's right in front of them, and that it's useless hiding and dodging away from everyone and everything. Tear that fucking wall down and let people in. They've been waiting on the other side for ages, and they will keep waiting there till you realize and perhaps by then, it's too late. Oh wait, you'll be too oblivious and stubborn to realize anything. Shame.
I'm sure I become oblivious to certain things too, very little, but I am.. Usually just to escape from certain awkward situations...
Being oblivious and being an asshole are two very different things. Please get that straight. Haw haw.. The irony.

I'm quite oblivious to certain things right now that I don't think I'm ready to face yet till I'm sure of what I'm trying to hide is in fact real and that there's no emotional attachment involved. I suppose there IS emotions involved, but right now, I'm unable to comprehend what I'm feeling and it leaves me quite lost and frazzled which then leads me to block out all my emotions and ability to feel. I'm trying my hardest... it seemed easy in the beginning, but the more we move with the calendar, the more conflict I get with my innards.I suppose it's just the time of the year that makes me think. I feels like I've just buried someone that means the world to me and I am the one that's holding the shovel pouring earth over the casket and placing them six feet below me.

On to other things. I feel like my life has started to repeat all over again. I suppose things are slightly different this time, but it's the same old scenario all over again. I'm not quite sure on how to proceed with it.. hmmm... I will dwell on it.

You have one life. Why not live it?